Others about Beemgee

All The Rage – by Katharina Gerwens

The first novel to state in black and white that the author worked with Beemgee.

This is certainly not the first book for which our author tool was used. But it is the first time that an author explicitly mentions Beemgee in her acknowledgements. Thank you, Katharina, we’re glad you use Beemgee during your story development!

All The Rage – Der letzte Schrei

published by the renowned Piper Verlag (Bonnier group)





Susanne Pfeiffer has recently joined the Beemgee team. She interviewed her long-time friend Katharina Gerwens for us.


Congratulations, Katharina! It’s always great when you can hold your own book in your hands … How many novels have you published so far?

This is my eleventh regional thriller published by Piper. Soon I’ll make it a dozen ….

I think ALL THE RAGE is a really good thriller title! You like double meanings. – But I want to get at something completely different: You know my foible to start every book by reading the acknowledgements – and here it says, last but not least, you worked on the plot with BEEMGEE! How so?

Because for me any support I get is worth mentioning! I have asked so many people in my field about all sorts of things, and in these conversations new aspects have always emerged – the least I can so is say thank you! ALL THE RAGE is, by the way, the first book in which I worked with Beemgee – and it was a great help to me.  (more…)

What Beemgee users say about the author tool

“Thank you for this awesome platform. I really enjoy working with it. … I really like beemgee because it makes writing complex stories a hell of a lot easier.” 

“Your resource is amazing. What an amazing tool. I’m … now very much a fan of this new software. Although I write using Scrivener, I can see how I can do all my planning through Beemgee, and then slide everything into Scrivener.”

“It was exciting to discover Beemgee. It was like light at the end of the tunnel for me, a guide I so needed.”

“I am very impressed with what I have seen so far.”

“I’ve just started using Beemgee and I’m really enjoying the Character developer features …”

“You aim to have Beemgee ‘clutter free and easy to use’, which I very much appreciate. I like the character overview …”

“It’s a great tool.” (more…)

Reviews and Mentions on the web

Blogposts and articles about Beemgee:

27.07.2018 | The Writing Platform | Screenshots: Beemgee

25.05.2018 | Jessica Halermoeller, BoD Fingerprint | Schreibwettbewerb “Dein Perfekter Plot”

05.12.2017 | Neil MacDonald Author | I won, I won, I won

18.10.2017 | Suzanna Williams | Review: Beemgee novel outlining software

05.10.2017 | Erika Frose | Are you a pantser or a plotter?

27.09.2017 | Kathy Edens | Writing App Reviews… Beemgee

18.08.2017 | Adriana Silver | Die eigenen Helden kennenlernen.

12.07.2017 | Fay-Readme! | Beemgee | It’s your story.

04.07.2017 | BoD fingerprint | Tipps zur Figurenentwicklung

10.05.2017 | CONTEC México | Fiction without Friction – Call for Story Outlines

04.04.2017 | Büchergefahr! | Folge 40: Charaktere und der Plot – Moderation: Roland Jesse

30.03.2017 | Literatur Radio Bayern | FDA Buchmesse Interview – Moderation: Uwe Kullnick

09.03.2017 | TYCOONSTORY | Beemgee provides storytellers with a writing tool

07.02.2017 | Pinkfish | future!publish 2017 in Berlin (more…)

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