You don’t. Beemgee saves your input automatically, so there is no “Save” button.
If you have signed up to an account, FREE or PREMIUM, you can log out and close the project window at the end of each session. The next time you log in, go to the global menu top left next to the logo.

In the menu you will find “All stories”. Select the project you want to work on.
If you are not a registered user, you may press the share icon in the top menu bar, above right.
Each project has a unique URL link called a hash. Thanks to this technology, you don’t even need to register in order to open a FREE project and use the Beemgee web-app.
To return to your project at a later date you will need to open your URL link. You can secure your link by
- bookmarking it in your browser or with a bookmarking service
- manually copying the URL out of your browser and pasting it somewhere safe
- recommended: click the share icon top right in the Beemgee web-app.
From there, click the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button to copy the link in order to paste it somewhere safe, or send yourself the link per e-mail. The e-mail will contain the link and the project name.
Important note: Avoid having one project open in several browser windows. Having several Beemgee project windows open may result in some of your input being overwritten.
Basic collaboration
You can use the e-mail share function to send somebody else an e-mail inviting them to open your project. Beware, however, that this person will then be able to make changes! Furthermore, if this person passes on the link again, then the next person can make changes too.
When you invite people to your projects with a PREMIUM account, you will be able to invite people to collaborate with you, i.e. make changes in your project, or assign read-only rights. Logged in to your PREMIUM account, click ALL STORIES under the heading PROJECT. This will show you all the projects associated with your account. The global menu is the icon top left next to the logo.