Welcome to the Beemgee blog.
This blog is about storytelling. We examine how fiction works and what stories consists of, especially plot and character development. Many of the posts are inspired by functions and features of our outlining software. We believe there is a craft to creating stories.
The great film director Sidney Lumet once said, “Story is language and structure.” The articles in this blog are about dramaturgy and story structure. You’ll find very little about style and language.
This blog is not called “How to write a bestseller” or “How to script a blockbuster”. We prescribe no specific methods, nor do we offer a guaranteed formula for success. Furthermore, we do not analyse writing style.
Beemgee focuses on story development, which for us means the composition of plot and the dramatic function of characters. Over time, we will be digging deep into the many aspects of storytelling. We will try to make each of them as easily comprehensible as possible, and we will go into some detail – without being exhaustive. Our aim is to give pointers, to hopefully broaden your understanding of story by giving you some ideas to consider.
Stories have structures and patterns and can therefore be broken down into manageable chunks. We do not want to cull the mystique of fiction or dispel the magic of our emotional response to a story. We simply believe there is a great deal of craft in art. Like dancers or musicians, good authors make it look so easy – when actually there is a lot of technique involved, which one can only learn through analysis and practice.
Click here for articles on STORYTELLING in general.
Click here for articles on CHARACTER development.
And here for articles on composing PLOT.
We like questions and suggestions. We also publish guest posts. Write us: blog@beemgee.com.
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