Video: How to use the Character Developer
Opening the Character-Builder
In the CHARACTER section of the Beemgee tool suite, click the switch to DEVELOP.
The Beemgee Character Developer works by asking you a series of questions specifically designed to help you find the dramatic function of the characters in your story. Unlike other character sheets, we don’t focus on factors extrinsic to the dramaturgy of the plot, such as the color of the character’s eyes. Instead, your answers help you define those aspects of character that directly influence the story. This has a lot to do with the motivations of each character, and the decisions they take in reaction to problems and obstacles.
The questions are posed in a carefully designed order. First they focus on attributes that will determine the plot (from the external problem that provides the inciting incident to a prized possession and what happens if that is taken away from the character). Then you define the attributes that give the character depth, from the internal problem to what it is that the character learns by the end of the story.
And that’s not all. A category of questions encourages you to take a step back and see, for example, how the audience might react to each major character. And then there’s space to note aspects of characterisation, from core emotion to quirks.
Go through these question honestly for each main character, and you’ll have designed your plot. Because once you know what the characters do and why they do it, you’ll know the action of your story.
There are over thirty FREE basic questions. PREMIUM subscribers get even more.
Compare and contrast your answers per character and question in the character overview – click COMPARE and activate the attributes in the sidebar which you want to view.